Sisters Dish

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

On a recent WhatsApp call, Middle Sis asked a question that stumped us. It was completely irrelevant to the conversation, but we humoured her and immediately stopped everything to deal with it. Middle Sis’ question? “What and where is the Cloud ?”

Well that was all we needed. It resulted in a monumental round of speculation, ultimately leading to a further list of “Questions that have always bugged us.” I mean we haven’t lost any sleep over them, but we would certainly feel a sense of relief, perhaps even euphoria if they were answered.

The list was long ( we are seekers of truth after all ) so in the interest of brevity, after much discussion and inspired by a small sampling of our favorite Three Sisters wine, we narrowed it down to those questions that we were most troubled by.

As you will see below, we discovered that we had somewhat diverse thoughts on these topics. In addition, although she only drank water, Biscuit was an eager and active participant. Her thoughts are documented at the end of this post.

Perhaps you too have at one time pondered these same topics? Hopefully then, we can offer some plausible answers and put your mind to rest. Lets start with the question that prompted such a massive probe on our part.

What and Where is the Cloud?

Big Sis: The cloud stores data and programs over the internet instead of on your computer’s hard drive. The cloud is not a physical entity, but instead is a vast network of remote servers around the globe which are linked together and meant to operate as a single ecosystem. Instead of accessing files and data from a local or personal computer, you are accessing them online and your information will be available wherever you go and whenever you need it. Got it?

Middle Sis: No idea, but when I think of “the cloud” I literally see a giant computer sitting on a cloud with an angel keeping watch over my data to make sure nothing bad happens to it.

Little Sis: Huh? This gave me a headache so I stopped thinking about it.

Are There Aliens Among Us?

Big Sis: Apparently US pilots have long seen strange phenomena in the sky. The Pentagon has recently released a report confirming that strange things are happening in the wild blue yonder. As a result there is concern that aliens are aboard and have perhaps landed. I remain skeptical but I do know “the truth is out there.”

Middle Sis: I have never seen an alien, but I have heard reports of Martians spotted at Walmart.

Little Sis: I am pretty sure my my next door neighbor is one.

How Do They Get the Caramel in the Caramilk Bar?

Big Sis: This has bothered me since early childhood. Fortunately, Youtube has clarified this issue. A hollow chocolate piece moves along a production line and is filled with the caramel and then topped with another hollow chocolate shell. Easy Peasy!

Middle Sis: Big Sis is a bit late to the party on this one. I think it was revealed in 1985. Me, I am more of a Big Turk kind of girl. Now there’s a challenge… to get the jelly in the middle.

Little Sis: This is no doubt the work of those Keebler Elves.

What is the Meaning of Life?

Big Sis: Life as we know it began long ago, so it is difficult to determine if life actually does have meaning. I mean historians have been trying to answer this question for ever. How am I supposed to know the answer?

Little Sis: Not sure, but more importantly why can I never find my car keys?

Middle Sis: As the woo-woo sister of the family, I have meditated on this question for many years; no answer yet but I’m happy to report that I know where Little Sis’ keys are.

Why do Fools Fall in Love?

Big Sis: Neurologically speaking, scientists have unequivocally proven that fools fall in love because they are foolish.

Middle Sis: I think it has to do with those feel good chemicals we hear so much about. The same ones that you get when you run a long distance. Perhaps fools fall in love because they run too much?

Little Sis: My Husband and I are still trying to figure this out.

Where’s the Beef?

Big Sis: Well, beef comes from cows…..preferably cows raised on an organic farm, fed only ethically sourced food and treated kindly.

Middle Sis: Sorry, as a vegetarian married to a vegan I only know where the chickpeas, beans and lentils are. Maybe try Aisle 3?

Little Sis: I have no clue, but more importantly (1) What ever happened to the lady who did the commercial? (2) Why are their Junior Bacon cheese burgers so good?

Is a hot dog a sandwich?

Big Sis: No.

Middle Sis: To me this is a po-tay-toe, po-tah-toe question. All I know is that a hot dog with fried onions is the perfect summer bar-b-que food. The bigger question is why is it called a hot “DOG?” Any thoughts on this Biscuit?

Little Sis: I agree with Middle Sis. This is the perfect summer food. When I asked Biscuit her thoughts on this, she just shrugged and asked me if I could make her one.

How Much is That Doggie in the Window and Why is it in the Window?

Biscuit: I firmly believe that Dogs shouldn’t cost anything, but I know my humans paid $200.00 for the privilege of doggie ownership, so I am going to say the standard price for a pet dog should be 200.00 bones, because I don’t know what $ are.

Personally I like to sit in the window so that I can keep an eye on the neighbourhood. You are all aware that I am a natural born leader and I have a responsibility to maintain law and order, hence my tendency to ensconce myself where I can view the outside world. I actually do some of my best work while sitting in the window. It’s my happy place..

As an honorary member of the Sisterhood, I have been asked to contribute my thoughts regarding pressing questions my canine peers might find relevant. (They are after all, avid readers of any blog post with doggie content, especially if it’s about me.) So I would like to know:

  • Why do I have to eat out of a bowl on the floor, instead of sitting at the table? I have excellent manners.
  • Why can’t I choose the type of Kibble I like, instead of my humans picking it for me. I wonder if they have ice cream flavored kibble? Peanut butter chunk is the best.
  • Why can’t I ever watch what I want to watch on TV? We are always watching reruns of Law and Order. Do not get me wrong, Sam Waterston was outstanding as DA Jack McCoy, but I would like to watch shows like Good Dog / Bad Dog, and How to Annoy Your Humans.

I hope that I can find the answers to these questions sooner than later, but since I have no concept of time, this could be a challenge.

Thank you Biscuit and we leave you with one final thought. These are but a few of life’s big questions and we are committed to continue our quest to seek the truth, no matter what consequences or obstacles we might encounter. This is our destiny. Besides, it’s a lot of fun 🙂 and we know that

Betty Would Love That!

We plan on publishing a new post every Monday so stay tuned for our next one entitled “An Alarming Experience.”


  • Cathy

    Thank you for this post! I had a few chuckles over your answers to these very interesting and burning questions! I have on that your dog may be able to help me with. Hey Biscuit, can you tell me — who let the dogs out??
    BTW – I am loving your writings – you three are awesome!

    • Bigsister

      Darn! We missed that one 🙂 We’ll ask Biscuit.I’m sure she will know. Thanks for your kind words and right back at you. Your blog topics are much different than ours but I think we both have something really worthwhile to share. We always enjoy your posts, not only because they make us think, but also because they often offer a unique perspective. Your research is incredible. Keep up the good work!
      Big Sis

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