Athletic Adventures,  Sisters Dish

In Search Of….

What do Leonard Nimoy (Mr Spock) and Little Sis have in common? Well here we go. Do you remember the TV show from the late 70’s or 80’s called In Search Of…? In case you don’t, it was a TV show narrated by none other than Leonard Nimoy, and each week he would do a show about some of life’s great mysteries and the search for answers. He would do episodes on things like Big Foot, the Loch Ness monster and the disappearance of people like DB Cooper or Jimmy Hoffa. Little did I know that, after deciding to take my sisters advice and find a personal trainer, it would turn into an odyssey worthy of an episode of “In Search Of…”

For those of you who don’t know, both Big and Middle Sis work with a personal trainer, and they are both in great shape. Big Sis has worked with her trainer for many years and on any given day can be found in the gym doing box jumps and deadlifts. Middle Sis is newer to personal training and so is still figuring out the finer points of glute bridges and how to keep her balance on a BOSU ball. Me, I’m more of a cheer them on from the couch kind of gal, that is, until I received the proverbial wake up call after a recent doctor visit.

After lots of encouragement (endless bugging is more like it) from Big and Middle Sis I decided to take the plunge and find a trainer. And so, the search began. The first thing I did was decide exactly what I wanted to accomplish, which after trying on my favourite jeans and finding they no longer fit, was weight loss. With that goal in mind I set out on my search.

food snack popcorn movie theater

My first stop was, of course, the internet. I typed all my info into the search bar, clicked on the little magnifying glass and waited patiently for results. Overwhelmed is the only word that comes to mind, when I saw how much info came up. My head started to spin, and I needed to lie down for a bit and catch my breath. After about 5 minutes I was back at it. I tried to narrow down my search, but that did not help, so I laid down again, and as fate would have it I fell asleep. Two hours later I woke, had some popcorn and tried again. I tried to narrow my search down even more. That did not help, so I had a beer and called it a night.

I tried again the next day, and started to make some progress, but not as much as I would have liked. I was finally able to narrow down my search to places that were fairly close to my house or work. I was happy with that. So far so good. Now came the daunting task of finding a trainer that would work with people in their 50s, which turned out to be its own special kind of nightmare. Hard to believe, but there are not a lot trainers who are really interested in well, let’s be honest, training older people. At that point I got discouraged, and stopped looking all together. Honestly, I was ready to pull my hair out, but I did not. I just turned off my laptop, and walked away.

At this point, Leonard Nimoy is now narrating all my thoughts when I think about a personal trainer. I believe I will find one, but I have a feeling that Big Foot and the Loch Ness monster will be found before I find a personal trainer. I have not given up and rest assured that Big and Middle Sis will continue to “gently encourage and support “🤣 me until I can bring my personal episode of “In Search Of… to a successful conclusion.

The Sisterhood will be taking a short spring break. 🧳🧳✈️🛳️ Stay tuned for our next post on Monday June 10th entitled “As the World Spins.”

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