Sisters Dish

Revenge Of The Book Nerds

Give me a blanket, a warm drink, a good book and a weekend full of nothing to do and you have found my happy place.


Books and I go way back. It started in elementary school when I first learned to read with the help of Dick and Jane and continued on into my teen years when other kids were spending their babysitting money on clothes and junk food and I was spending mine subscribing to Reader’s Digest Condensed Books. In University reading was serious business, and when working and raising a family reading time usually consisted of a few pages before falling into bed exhausted. And now in my senior years, I have the time to read wherever and whenever I want and have come to realize that I am a book nerd.

Reading and Writing

A few years ago I started a book journal to track my reading. I wish I could tell you that I did it so I could analyze the writing style, plot and character development of each book I read, but alas I can’t… The real reason I started the journal was to have a record of the books I’ve read, thus avoiding the situation of reading the first few pages of a book and wondering if I had already read it. My book journal has saved me from this fate more than once…

At the end of 2021 I counted up how many books I had read and was surprised that my total for the year was fifty. This was a new high number for me, but perhaps not surprising given that COVID kept us at home more than usual. Contributing to this new high number was my discovery that I could reserve library books online and also that, with the press of a button on my Indigo phone app, I could buy any book I wanted, thus ensuring my “supply chain” of books kept flowing smoothly.

When it comes to choosing which books I read, I am all over the map. Fiction, non fiction, classics, contemporary, I am interested in them all. My all time favourite author is Maeve Binchy, an Irish writer who wrote about life in small town Ireland in the 50s, and 60s. I’ve read everyone of her books more than once and love the characters more each time I do. Sadly, she passed away in 2012.

I do enjoy the solitary nature of reading but lately I have been thinking about starting a book club potentially called Book Nerds Unite. I think it’s a very catchy name that should generate great interest. After all we book nerds are a very proud bunch, so why not? With Big and Little Sis also being avid readers, I’m hoping they might be interested in joining the book club, but early indications are that I may have to change the name to get them to agree. Perhaps one book nerd in the family is enough.

Embracing My Inner Nerd

With the reading success I had in 2021, and having just embraced my book nerd status, I couldn’t believe it – our local library was having an “Ultimate Book Nerd Reading Challenge.” The goal is to read a book a week throughout 2022 with the prize for completing the challenge being an official Book Nerd t-shirt.

I was so excited I signed up on the spot! I am however, a little concerned that I might be a topic of conversation among the librarians, as I may have been just a teensy bit over enthusiastic when I signed up and shared the year long strategy I developed to ensure I reach the 52 book goal. They have also told me it is not a requirement to for me to give them weekly updates on my progress…

The House of Books

Along with books, I have always loved the quiet, calm atmosphere of libraries. It is my idea of heaven to sit in the library reading room whiling away an afternoon reading magazines and books.

As a kid, I’m not sure mom ever figured out that my volunteering to go grocery shopping with her had nothing to do with an interest in fruits and vegetables and everything to do with the fact that the library was across the street from the grocery store and I could usually manage to slip away and check out the latest Nancy Drew or Cherry Ames book.

As an adult, with all the moving that our family did, I always found the library to be a place of welcome and belonging no matter where we lived. I really think I might have been a librarian in a past life, or perhaps I should have chosen that as my career path.

And, after my husband showed me a Youtube video of the New York Public Library, which is now on my list of must see places in New York, I’ve decided that libraries should be included on any travel itinerary that we may have. My husband says he is quite amenable to this (I think he’s adopted the happy wife, happy life strategy😂), but I think it might be a bit more of a hard sell with Big and Little Sis when we sisters travel together.

To E or Not To E

Just a small sample of the books on my bookshelf!

I guess you could say I’m a bit of a luddite where reading is concerned. Despite Big Sis singing the praises of her Kindle e-reader, I find I still prefer reading an actual book. I will admit, when I see Big Sis being able to bring any number of books with her on her Kindle when we travel, and I am worrying that my luggage will be overweight because I have packed so many books, I am tempted to get an e-reader. But in my mind, there is just something about holding that book and turning real pages that can’t be duplicated with an e-reader. However, if I did decide to go electronic, it would free up a significant amount of shelf space in our house.

All’s Well That Ends Well

As you can see, I have now thoroughly embraced my book nerd status. I can’t imagine my life without a good book in hand and few more on the shelf just waiting to be read. So if you’ll excuse me, I have a cozy blanket, a cup of tea and a good book waiting!

We plan on doing a new blog post every Monday, so stayed tuned for our next one entitled “Walk A Mile In My Orthopedic Shoes‘.

One Comment

  • Alannah AKA Lana

    I knew there had to be another book nerd in the family although I must admit in the last while I have vacated the reading slot – I do intend to return to the society soon. A lovely READ – hee hee and as always waiting for the next Sisterhood adventure blog.

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