Sisters Dish

What’s In Your Closet?

The other day I saw a piece about how “granny chic” is all the rage right now. The article said it is defined as “donning vintage-style pieces like crochet sweaters and eyeglass chains.” Really? Now millennials want to dress like grandmas? I suppose I should be happy that I am finally going to be on the cutting edge of style, being as how I am an actual grandma.

I have never been what you would call fashion forward. Most of the time I am just trying to look reasonably presentable. At my age, I long ago gave up fashion for comfort – it’s elastic waists and flat shoes all the way for me! But it took awhile to get there.

All In The Family

My short lived modelling career

Of course when I was young mom chose my clothes and I don’t really remember much about what I wore as a child. But with five kids to feed and clothe I think practicality trumped fashion every time.

At about the age of ten, I did have a brush with fashion fame when, for some unknown reason, Big Sis and I modelled clothing in a department store flyer. I remember it being fun, but any hopes about becoming a child fashion icon were dashed when no other modelling offers came in.

Yes, we are wearing the same dress

As I got older, I was fortunate to have a big sister to set the fashion tone for me. So much so that I decided the best course of action was to imitate her fashion choices, which understandably she did not always appreciate. What I didn’t consider at the time was that the fashion that worked for her petite frame did not always work for my decidedly not petite frame.

A Change Will Do You Good

Me trying to act like a boss

As a young adult I followed fashion trends of the time. This was during the 70s so there were bellbottom pants, mini skirts, platform shoes, halter tops and tie dye shirts just to name a few. Fortunately there are very few pictures of me in these fashion choices…

In my early working life I wore a uniform so there was really no fashion involved. But when I moved into a more corporate setting, it was suits, suits and more suits and the bigger the shoulder pads the better. I am happy to say that I survived the “dress like a man if you want to be taken seriously” fashion phase.

Right about the time that I retired, the fashion gods cooperated when athleisure wear became “a thing”. At long last, I could wear my comfy clothes and feel somewhat stylish. Although, I don’t think my very favourite outfit, which is my nightgown and housecoat, quite fits in this category.

Walk A Mile In My Shoes

They say with age comes wisdom and where fashion is concerned it has brought me a new perspective and understanding. I’ve learned that if you wait long enough fashion trends will come around again, even things like jeggings and leg warmers, which in my opinion should never again see the light of day.

At least I got the shoes right!

I’ve also learned that it’s OK to pass up a fashion trend if it doesn’t suit you because eventually it will pass. This was driven home for me when leggings became a fashion staple a few years ago. You see, I did not receive the gene that would give me the the slender shapely legs of my mother – in fact, just the opposite. This made leggings a hard pass for me. Thankfully, the fashion trendsetters recently decided that wide leg pants are back in fashion…for now. I can only hope that yoga pants are not far behind.

On the flip side, I see that white sneakers, my footwear staple these days, have made a fashion comeback. So, for now at least my feet are in fashion.

Holiday Time

And so dear readers, as we approach the holiday season, it is time for the Sisterhood to sign off for a Christmas break. But never fear we will be back in 2023, rested, relaxed and ready to share more Sisterhood adventures with you!

One Comment

  • Lana

    Aw memories of trying to wear what my big sisters wore – didnt work right for me either. Merry Christmas Sisters, looking forward to January blog

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