Sisters Dish

🎵Celebrate Good Times…C’mon🎵

It is well known that the Sisterhood loves a celebration, so in these last waning days of winter we thought it might be fun to design events that would give us something to look forward to and be proud of. We are of course not only creative but patriotic, and can definitely see a future where Canadians near and far would enthusiastically celebrate our suggested national holidays…..If only we knew how to take them to the next level😉 But that’s a story for another day. Please read on.

National Woo-Woo Day

by Middle Sis

If you follow this blog you will know that I am known as the Woo-Woo Sister. Why you might ask have I been given this name? Well, it was bestowed upon me by my two sisters because I am into meditation, mindfulness, yoga , journalling and all things vegetarian. You may think that I take offense to the name, but on the contrary, I choose to think they (lovingly of course) gave me this name because they both wish they could be zen like me.😂 After all who wouldn’t want to be able to sit on the floor cross legged for half an hour, and chant OM 108 times. But I digress…

Practicing for the Yogathon

After thinking about it, I realized that I can’t be the only person who has been described as Woo-Woo for some reason. I believe it is time for us to come out of the shadows and be proud. And so I am proposing a National Woo-Woo Day, complete with t-shirts that say “Woo-Woo and Proud of it,” a day of celebration on parliament hill with evening fireworks, and a “24 hour yogathon.” I think we should also be able to get a proclamation of National Woo-Woo Day by the prime minister (who shall remain nameless lest we upset Big Sis) who has himself displayed some woo-wooness when he demonstrated his yoga skill on a table in the middle of a cabinet meeting.

Overall I think a National Woo-Woo Day would contribute significantly to raising the positive vibes in our country and would potentially help the national economy by increasing the sale of yoga mats.

All together now say OMMmmmm🧘🏻‍♀️

National Recite the Alphabet Backwards Day

by Big Sis

I am blessed with the uncanny ability to recite the alphabet backwards. Don’t misunderstand me. I was not born with this gift, but rather it is a skill perfected after months of persistent practice, and I’m pretty sure I know what you’re thinking. Why bother? What is the possible benefit to mankind, or anyone for that matter? Indeed, there are probably more productive ways to spend your time, but please don’t dismiss this activity without learning of its benefits, and there are many my friends.

Firstly, it is a cost effective anti aging strategy. By that , I mean it takes a lot of brain power to master the alphabet backwards. I think we can all agree that anything that keeps our brain power strong is a good thing.

Secondly, I have often used it as a non pharmaceutical sleep aid. Many is the night that I have drifted off to dreamland, reciting the alphabet backwards. I highly recommend it.

Thirdly, it is an impressive party trick. For example if the party seems to be lagging, you can easily up the smile factor by reciting the alphabet backwards. I have found that people generally enjoy listening to me as I do my thing.

And finally, it is a portable skill. You can recite it to yourself as you are riding transit, walking to work or any destination for that matter. How about on the plane during take off and landing? The possibilities are endless.

In celebration, may I suggest Recitathons (Ree site a thons). Prizes would be awarded in the following categories:

  • Who can recite it the longest without a mistake
  • Who can recite it the fastest
  • Who can recite it while walking backwards or even more difficult, running backwards
  • Who can recite it as a song

I’m still pondering a possible date and location for the unveiling of this project, but for now I feel the need to prove my prowess as an alphabet backwards specialist. I offer the video below with the caveat that I have since honed this skill to an even greater degree. My current recital speed is astounding😂

National Donut Day

by Little sis

I took a different approach here. Rather that create my own holiday I decided to find a holiday that is near and dear to my heart, and then imagine how I would celebrate it.

I chose National Donut Day, which, by the way, is the first Friday in June. What follows is my “dream donut day.”

I start by going to the local donut shop after getting a coffee from my favourite coffee place. Everyone knows you can’t have a donut with out a cup of coffee. A glazed, strawberry jelly filled donut and then another strawberry filled one that is dusted with sugar are calling my name. After consuming these delicacies and being the thoughtful coworker that I am, I grab a dozen donuts for the folks at the office, and head off to work on a blissful sugar high.

The Krispy Kreme Factory

I make my way to my desk, which I had the foresight to decorate the night before with all kinds of donut themed items, like pictures of donuts, plastic donuts, pictures of famous donut franchises, and their founders. At break time I manage to grab a Boston Cream filled donut before my coworkers eat them all. It was delicious.

Before you know it, it’s lunch time, so off I go with my friends to the donut shop down the street for more donuts, and then it’s back to work.

The work day finally comes to an end, and I am still riding my sugar high, but my day does not end there. I’ve saved the best for last – a stop at my all time favourite donut shop for my last donut of the day. As I walk into the shop, my eyes survey the offerings and there it is, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen – a strawberry filled donut with vanilla icing and sprinkles. I pay for it, and can’t wait to eat it. (Unfortunately, I am a strict believer in full concentration when driving so eating while driving is a “no go.”) The drive home feels like it’s never going to end.

Once home I make my way to the kitchen table and blissfully have my last donut of the day. As I take a moment to reflect, I decide this was the best day ever, except for the sick feeling from eating all the sugar, but it was worth it.

So now dear reader you’ve seen our choices for a national holiday. What would you choose as your national holiday? And just a word of advice – choose something that is near to and dear to your heart and plan to celebrate it to the fullest, because you are going to have to wait a year until it comes around again.

We plan on doing a new blog post every Monday so stay tuned for our next one entitled “Too Much Time On My Hands.”

One Comment

  • Lana

    My brother Doug started me on spelling words backwards – to this day I still do this – billboards, street signs, names – you name it (that’s a pun). So backward alphabet he would have loved. As for the Yoga and donuts well I’m with you, gonna look into yoga and I love cookies so donuts might just be the thing. Your imagination is wonderful – thanks again.

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