Family Fun,  Sisters Dish

The Littlest Hobo 2.0

Little Sis here. The Sisterhood, including Biscuit, met for coffee the other day and the discussion turned to some of our favourite Canadian TV shows . We talked about Wayne and Schuster, The Beachcombers, The Pig and Whistle, and who could forget about Biscuit’s absolute favorite, The Littlest Hobo, the adventures of a German Shepherd dog who was always there when you needed him. It was a typically Canadian show. For of those you who have watched shows on the CBC you know exactly what I am talking about.

Soon nostalgia really kicked in and we decided we needed to do a Littlest Hobo reboot, bringing it into modern times, but at the same time keeping it quintessentially Canadian

The Theme Song

The original theme song was “Maybe Tomorrow,” by Terry Bush, a fine Canadian Singer/Song writer nobody has ever heard of. Not to take anything away from Terry, the song is great, but we need to re do it with a Canadian artist who people have actually heard of. The first person that comes to my mind is the incomparable Anne Murray. I think she has the perfect voice for it. Just try and find a Canadian who doesn’t burst into tears when they hear Snowbird!

If that doesn’t work then maybe Celine Dion, because she could do the song in French and English. If we want to get totally modern maybe Jimmy Brooks (aka Drake) from Degrassi, Next Generation would do it…..But maybe not because he would likely want to be paid in US dollars, and that would break the bank for sure! I am going to go with Anne Murray, but Biscuit is still holding out for Celine.

The Plot

The plot for the show varied from week to week. One week Hobo would be stopping a bank robbery, and the next week he was rescuing a child from being bitten by a racoon that had wandered onto the property.

Now, these plots are good but I think if we modernize the story lines, it might keep people interested. For example, we could do an episode about the missing Loonies and Toonies from the Canadian Mint, the disappearance of the Stanley Cup, helping a baby Moose find their Mom, and escorting a herd of Big Horn Sheep to safety by standing in the middle of the road to block traffic. And Biscuit really wanted Hobo to solve the mystery of “Who Stole the Maple Syrup?”

We also need to move the location from Ontario to include the rest of the Country. We need to include the Yukon, NWT, Nunavut, the Prairies, Newfoundland. Labrador, and the Maritimes. Canada is a vast country and I feel Hobo should be exposed to all if its wonders. Lastly, in keeping the show true to form, we would only film shows in towns nobody has ever heard of, and we never film in in the winter, it’s just too darn cold!

Guest Appearances

This is the part I am most excited about. The original show didn’t have any guest appearances. We are not sure why Gordon Pinsent, or Lorne Greene didn’t play a part in Hobo’s escapades as they were probably the two most famous Canadian actors at the time.

Just imagine if we added some Canadian star power! Now that would definitely take the show to the next level. The list would include, but not be limited to the following people: Ryan Reynolds, Keanu Reeves, William Shatner, the entire cast of SCTV, and Michael J Fox. But I fear as I did with Drake they would want to be paid in US dollars. Well that would blow the entire filming budget. One would hope they would do it in true Canadian fashion, out of the goodness of their heart. Again, not likely.

Biscuit was hoping some of her friends could appear in an episode or two. The Sisterhood quickly shut that down, in a polite way of course. We just did not have the heart to tell her that her friends are not very good at acting.


Granted, this is but a general concept (we wrote it on the back of a Tim Horton’s napkin) but we’re confident that it meets the standard of your average Canadian TV show. Given that the time from concept to actual production is usually several months at least, we feel the urgency to act quickly, so we’ll just wipe the crumbs off the napkin and see if we can blot out the coffee spill and send it off to the network.

Fingers crossed folks. Keep an eye out for The Littlest Hobo 2.0 coming soon to a TV station near you. 🎵Maybe Tomorrow…🎵

We plan on doing a new post every Monday so stay tuned for our next one entitled “I Believe I Can Fly.”

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