Sisters Dish

Boobs and Bunions

We realize this is a gender specific post, having the potential to alienate anyone not at all interested in the topic. That is entirely up to you dear reader, but please be aware that it is a subject near and dear to the hearts of many women who will possibly benefit substantially from reviewing the following.

Because we are gifted with what I would refer to as “Boobage”, women are often faced with a dilemma when it comes to working out. Your everyday, ordinary bra simply will not do when one is jumping, running and even walking, in the pursuit of physical fitness. Hence the need for a bra that is supportive and somewhat constraining. It is the constraining part that presents an almost insurmountable obstacle. Anyone who has tried to put on a sports bra will attest to the fact that it is a workout in itself and this when we haven’t even begun our jumping, running or walking. Being athletically gifted and very active, The Sisterhood naturally finds this matter very troubling.

The Sisterhood Suggests

The Sisterhood feels your pain. It is our hope that we can offer some relief and helpful hints when trying to put on a sports bra.

For the most part the following will apply to all type of sports bras, unless otherwise noted. Let’s get started then.

  • Plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time in advance of your workout. This may entail as much as 10-15 minutes if your first few attempts are futile.
  • Before you actually begin your attempt, take some deep breaths and imagine yourself ultimately successful and proud. Visualization can be very calming.
  • It may be helpful to make your attempt when someone is standing by in case you are in need of rescuing. As odd as it may sound, more than one woman has found herself momentarily “trapped” in a bra that will not cooperate.
  • Try not to scream or vent your frustration in a vocal way. This may be frightening and disturbing to others and it only feeds your frustration.
  • Don’t panic when your first few attempts are disastrous…and they will be disastrous. You can do this. Have faith. Hyperventilating will only prolong the agony and it’s not pretty.
  • Assuming your bra is a pull on type, perhaps the most useful hint is that once you have your arms through the arm holes, make sure the bra is firmly over the back of your shoulders before you put it over your head and begin to pull down. This makes a magical difference. I speak from personal experience. 🙂
  • Sports bras that fasten in the front are generally easier to put on, but there have been complaints that the zippers sometimes tend to partially slide down, leaving you with a potential for the bra to “open.” Oops! Wouldn’t that be fun!
  • In my opinion, it is best to avoid a sports bra that clasps in the back….just too much contortion and frustration involved.
  • And finally, do not give up! You can do this! The Sisterhood supports and applauds your efforts. We are with you even if only in spirit.

What Goes On Must Come Off

Of course any sports bra that one puts on has to ultimately be taken off and that dear reader is an even bigger challenge. As “unladylike”as it may be, it is an unfortunate fact that yes, we do sweat and that can result in your bra “hugging” you and refusing to let go.

The Sisterhood would dearly love to offer a magic bullet for this dilemma, however, you’re on your own with this one. We can only suggest that either you don’t sweat or wait until you feel it is safe to attempt removal. This may take much longer that you would like. The good news is that while waiting you will at least be basking in the euphoria of having completed your workout!

The Bane of Bunions

And now let us turn briefly to the topic of bunions…another issue that many mature athletes, among them one of the Sisters, must endure. In attempting to put a positive spin on this unfortunate condition, The Sisterhood refers to them as “Genetic Gifts.”

Bunions can often necessitate the purchase of running shoes that are so wide that, in the words of our afflicted Sister, they look like “clown”shoes. If one is concerned with appearance, this may be an issue, however, the true athlete will most certainly look beyond such superficiality and appreciate the fact that they can still jump, run and walk.

We can only suggest that in addition to wearing clown shoes, bunion cushions may offer temporary relief while exercising. Unfortunately, it’s either that or surgery. The sad truth is one must simply learn to cope so please do not complain or whine about this condition. As previously suggested, try to think of them in a positive manner.

And that pretty much sums up our post for today. There are equally troubling concerns that The Sisterhood would like to address, such as suitable attire in the gym, and why doesn’t someone offer a long line sports bra? ….. but those are topics for another day. In the meantime, happy jumping, running and walking even if you are wearing clown shoes, bunion cushions and a sports bra that took you 15 minutes to put on. 🙂

We plan to publish a new post every Monday, so stayed tuned for our next one entitled “That Cute Little Couple.”

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