Sisters Dish

Thinking While Drinking…

Although it’s entirely possible that one might assume alcohol plays a major part in our conversations, the Sisterhood is in fact, a serious and sober entity. Granted, there have been a few occasions where we have enjoyed spirited (pun intended) and creative discussions on unusual topics, some of which are obscure and others that are just plain silly. We usually end up laughing and enjoying ourselves immensely.

For your perusal, we offer the following four questions which are but a small sample of past subjects we have examined in some depth:

If you could rig the lottery so you could win and nobody would find out, would you do it?

Little Sis: No. I am meticulously honest when it comes to money and couldn’t bear the thought of cheating. Besides that, I could not, in all good conscience ever watch another episode of Law and Order. Excuse me, I have to go polish my halo.

Biscuit: What? What is a Lottery? Would it be the same thing as the vet phoning to cancel my appointment, more time on my Instagram account, more followers on social media and a new modelling contract? Other than that I have no clue.

Middle Sis: Nope, couldn’t do it. You know what they say about karma.

Big Sis: Actually, I’ve thought about that a lot….Hmmm…still thinking.

If you had a microphone and the whole world was listening, what would you say?

Little Sis: “You’re wearing that today? Seriously?”

Biscuit: “I know who did their business in the hallway.”

Middle Sis: “Have you tried meditation?” You look like you could use it.

Big Sis: “Hi there, how’s your day going so far? Remember to have a hearty breakfast and drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Hydration is so important.” (I’ve thought about this a lot.)

If you were charged with a crime, what would your family assume that you did?

Little Sis: Verbal assault. Sometimes, I just can’t help myself. There are so many stupid people out there and I have no patience. I mean, give me a break. How hard is it to put the shopping cart back where it belongs?

Biscuit: Public Urination. Places where I am not supposed to go, like the sidewalk, or in the middle of the road.

Middle Sis: If being zen is a crime, guilty as charged.

Big Sis: So, I’ve thought about this a lot…..It would be harassment of a certain polarizing political figure, who shall remain nameless. If you know me, you know exactly who I mean…

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

Little Sis: That’s easy. My choice would be Destiny. It just sounds so Hollywood, mega star, Academy Award winner. It suits my personality to a tee.

Biscuit: Charlene, no wait, Lassie, no wait Baxter. Okay, Biscuitina, because it’s just so ME!

Middle Sis: The issue I have with my name has always been the spelling. No one ever gets it right. I thought about Ocean as a name that would reflect my calm, soothing manner😂 but when I heard that a certain ridiculous reality star named her child Ocean, it no longer appealed. So, I’ve decided to stick with my current name. Maybe I’ll just change the spelling to Kheri???

Big Sis: Unlike most of the world, I don’t have a middle name and I have always wanted one. I’ve thought about this a lot and my choice for one would be Velvette, not to be confused with Velveeta, which would just be cheesy.

Putting the Fun back in Funny

It would seem obvious then that Big, Middle and Little are “thinkers.”(Especially Big Sis, who seems to spend a lot of time, doing just that.) Granted, these are not earth shattering, mind blowing topics but they keep us occupied and entertained and in today’s world of almost constant bad news, it certainly helps to have a few laughs. Not to mention that they are conversation enhancers. Once we get started, there’s no stopping us. It’s definitely a fun way to pass the time.

In fact, we highly recommend it as a form of therapy. You might want to consider your answers to the above questions or even compose questions of your own. You’d be surprised at the fun that will likely ensue.🤭 After all, as corny as it may sound, laughter really IS the best medicine!

We plan on doing a new post every Monday, so stay tuned for our next one entitled “The Ties That Bind(er)


  • Lana

    So now you have me thinking of answers to those questions – good ones – hmmm cant believe you three come up with such topics – keep at it – look forward to next Monday as usual.

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