Biscuit Barks

Biscuit’s NBF

Note: NBF is short for New Best Friend…or is it New Boy Friend?

Biscuit is a very sociable canine. She makes friends easily and not long ago she was introduced to Sir Quachi, a Maltese mix from Mexico. There was immediate chemistry (could this possibly be a romantic situation?)❤️❤️

To date, they have spent many happy hours at the dog park and recently met for coffee at their favorite cafe, the Bone and Biscuit. During the course of their visit, Biscuit was surprised to learn that SQ will soon be “leaving on a jet plane” to Mexico. Well this was something entirely new to Biscuit. She knew her Humans had been on an airplane, but dogs could go on one too? Wowzers! She needed to know more. Fortunately, SQ had lots to tell, and it was quite a story.

Apparently the preparation for a doggie vacation is massive, and because SQ doesn’t have access to a phone or the internet, his Human has to do all the work. It involves:

  • Booking a spot for SQ. You can’t just turn up at the airport and you can’t book the spot online. A phone call is necessary. Also, your human has to have a window seat.
  • Choosing a flight that matches SQ’s sleeping routine
  • A visit to the dreaded vet to ensure he is healthy and his vaccinations are up to date
  • A visit to the groomer to get a haircut before the trip (to make him look smaller and cuter)
  • Spending time in an approved doggie carrier a few weeks before the flight, to get used to it.
  • Double checking weight regulations and doggie carrier dimensions. Airlines can be very fussy about this.

Biscuit couldn’t believe it! She was speechless! She took a few moments to calm herself, took a few deep breaths and asked SQ if there was more. And indeed there was.They each ordered a second cup of coffee and settled in. SQ also took a moment to compose himself, gather his thoughts and continued. Now its time to visit the airport and actually get on the plane.


This is usually pretty quick. SQ has the “look in their eyes and pant cutely” routine down pat. It works every time. His Human shows the vaccination certificate and they’re off to security


Now SQ has to get out of the carrier as they go through the metal detector. Again the “look in their eyes and pant cutely” routine works wonders. They are usually whisked right through the metal detector

Post Security

SQ can get out of that darn carrier and roam the terminal on a leash. At this point, his human always goes to the bathroom. It always seemed strange to SQ until he realized that his Human can’t leave him unattended once they are on the plane…not even to go to the bathroom!


Its back in the dog carrier for SQ and they make their way to the required window seat. Once he is nestled in, his Human puts her carry on with his water dish and treats in the overhead bin and they settle down for the next few hours.

SQ drops his head and takes a deep breath. He is exhausted from his arduous monologue. He slowly looks up at Biscuit, but she is oblivious because her head is exploding. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine the possibilities. Now she can travel the world! See famous doggie sites, eat gourmet doggie cuisine, attend doggie concerts. Perhaps she could expand into doggie travel blogging or doggie tours. The opportunities are endless.

Wait…That’s Not All

And here our story will end for the day because it’s time for doggie naps. But Biscuit is eager to find out more and so is the Sisterhood…because there is so much more to tell. How was Mexico? Is it sunny and warm? Did he meet any new doggie friends? What is Mexican doggie cuisine like? Will he bring back any souvenirs and gifts?

So many questions….Before parting, they agree on another coffee date. We can hardly wait !

We plan on doing a new post every Monday so stay tuned for our next one entitled “Communication Breakdown.”

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